Weather and Climate
Weather news
Weather forecast
Climate monitor
World climate
Weather archives
Weather history
World weather
Weather maps
Weather news
Weather forecast
Climate monitor
World climate
Weather archives
Weather history
World weather
Weather maps
Weather maps
Actual weather maps in Europe and the World
Air temperature
now in Europe (fr)
Minimum air temperature
in Europe (fr)
Maximum air temperature
in Europe (fr)
Atmospheric pressure
now in Europe
Cloudiness in octs
now in Europe
Humidity in Europe
right now
Amount of precipitation
in Europe per day
Hours of sunshine
in Europe
Current temperature
in Europe
Atmospheric pressure
in Europe now
Cloudiness in Europe
right now
Map of lightning
in Europe
in the world
Snow cover
in Eurasia
Snow cover
in North America
Snow cover
in the Northern Hemisphere
Map of lightning
in the world
Isotherms and winds
in Europe at 850 hPa
Anticyclones and cyclones
with names in Europe
Seismic activity
in the world
in the U.S. now
U.S. National Radar
Dangerous weather
in the U.S.
Precipitation for
the day in the U.S.
Synoptic map
of North America
Air temperature
in the USA now
Relative humidity
in the USA right now
Wind speed
in the U.S. right now
Infrared image of the
Atlantic (west)
Infrared image of the
Atlantic (east)
Infrared image of the
Pacific Ocean (east)
Infrared image of the
Pacific Ocean (west)
Infrared image of the
Indian Ocean
Infrared image
of Australia (west)
Infrared image
of Australia (east)
Infrared image of the
Pacific Ocean (southeast)